During my corporate days, I have made dozens of hiring decisions and have been hired a couple of times too. You can be super talented yet unsuccessful if you don't know how to build, promote, and market your career brand. Therefore, I know exactly what it's like to be in the job search market and, more importantly, how to navigate it successfully. ​
I'm on a mission to help professionals and job seekers "Magnify Their Career" by attracting the best career opportunities by building their professional brand, avoiding expensive mistakes, and getting their dream job/promotion/higher responsibility in corporate, the strategies and processes shared is for those who are willing to learn and with consistancy in efforts such strategies can change your professional life.
I want to help people based on the core principles of humanity and simplicity, and by improving one's social skills, happiness, and overall productivity and I believe that to be successful in your corporate ladder, you need to put in time & effort! Definitely not "Get Quick Job Scheme" Or "Push-Button Software" that gushes your money and efforts 🤩 !! See you inside Soon!